Voting is currently open, and it finishes midnight on Tuesday 29th of August.
Healthscope’s slick communications might make it seem like you’re being offered a big pay rise, but that’s not the reality. Do you know how much of an increase you are really getting?
The HWU are gearing up to take Protected Industrial Action (strike action), and we’ve gone to the Fair Work Commission to start the p rocess. But for the Protected Industrial Action to go ahead, we need you to vote NO on the EBA.
Investment bankers and legal advisers should not be the only well-remunerated Healthscope employees.
Essential workers need their essential pay increase.
Healthscope’s annual financial statements report $7,603m in revenue in the past three years. Over the same period, net profit totalled only $24.8m, while Healthscope claimed $46.1m in tax benefits.
Ex-gambling CEO & Investment banker Greg Horan may run Healthscope Hospitals but the employees make the hospitals run.
The HWU is fighting for a FAIR Deal for ALL Healthscope employees not just investment bankers and legal advisers. If Healthscope continue to offer such low pay to its employees staffing levels will never improve. You can’t attract good staff if you continue to be the lowest paid Private hospital employees in all of Victoria. Remember it is your right to vote NO! The Healthscope board must respect it!
Click the link to vote on your Enterprise Agreement
Healthscope engaged in unethical ‘tactics’ in its latest attempt to get an “insulting” enterprise agreement passed.
Earlier this month the overwhelming majority of Healthscope employees voted to reject a company proposal for a new enterprise agreement that offered no solution to widespread wage inequality across its’ hospitals. Feedback from HWU members suggests the ’No’ vote advocated by the union achieved a comfortable majority. Healthscope’s latest offer still does not address your concerns. They have not listened! You are overworked because of chronic understaffing! Fair back-pay needs to be Paid! And needs to be Paid today! It is Your Money! You need support with dealing with increases in patient and family member complaints! Diana Asmar Secretary of HWU highlights “Healthscope’s use of the terms “Final Offer” and it’s take it or leave it dialogue borders on unethical corporate actions”
Healthscope Limited, ultimate controlling company is the entity, BCP VIG Holdings L.P, of Ugland House, Grand Cayman. The HWU is calling on Healthscope to offer transparent public reporting on how much money has been transferred to BCP VIG Holdings in the Caymans.
Click the link to vote on your Enterprise Agreement